Statue of Liberty
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Flag of Faces

A Portrait of America

The American Flag of Faces is an interactive exhibit that celebrates the diverse makeup of American citizenry. A massive digital mosaic, the installation weaves together portraits from throughout history to create a picture of our national spirit.

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The multitude of faces represents Americans from all walks of life and from all periods of our history. Created from a combination of archival images and user-submitted entries, the Flag of Faces evokes the ethereal quality of the immigrant’s dream, and poignantly reminds us of the motto that adorns the Great Seal of America: E pluribus unum; “Out of many, one.”

Ever changing, the Flag of Faces grows by the day. Visitors to the museum and the website can add their own likeness or that of an ancestor to the installation and contribute to this unique representation of the Stars and Stripes.

The Foundation

We Honor The Story of American Identity

Our national spirit has always been shaped by the optimism, ideals, and ambitions of immigrant communities. The Foundation works to honor the legacy of those communities, and give voice to their stories.